My editorial services can support your need for high-quality, accurate, and industry-standard services provided on time and within budget in the following areas for fiction and nonfiction titles.

My Services
Developmental Editing
I’ll work with you to structure or restructure your manuscript so that its content and organization meet your intention and the reader’s need for clarity and accessibility, consistency, and completeness.
Line Editing
I’ll literally work at the sentence and paragraph levels, looking at paragraph structure and organization; sentence structure, clarity, and variety; and word choice.
Copy Editing
I’ll fact-check and edit grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage, correcting errors and ensuring consistency according to an agreed-upon professional style manual and any additions to that manual included on a style sheet for the project.
Heavy Copyediting
I’ll line edit and copyedit your manuscript simultaneously in a single pass.
I’ll read to ensure style has been applied to final revisions and previous copyediting has been entered correctly, ensuring all parts of a manuscript are placed and formatted as they should be.
Cold Proofreading
I read typeset pages per production editor instructions, noting corrections, and creating separate lists of queries for the author and production editor for the project.
I’ll create a subject and/or author index to your desired level of detail.
Holistic Writing Coaching
Please see the Holistic Writing Coaching page for details.