Client Intake - Let's Talk about Your Project! Name* First Last Email Address* How did you hear about me?* • Please describe your manuscript project. Include the type of manuscript you’re writing and any title or working title you’ve given it.*What are your goals for the project?*What inspired you to write this manuscript?*Why did you choose your topic?*Tell me about yourself, who you are personally and professionally.*What is your author history? For example, have you been published or peer-reviewed?*What concerns do you have about the editing process?*What do you find challenging about your project?*What struggles, if any, do you have with your project?*What do you find rewarding about your project?*What editorial and coaching services are you interested in?* Holistic Writing Coaching Manuscript evaluation Developmental editing for fiction Developmental editing for nonfiction Line editing Copyediting Heavy copyediting Proofreading Indexing Beta reading Other Is there anything more you’d like me to know about you or your project?*